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Electronic Hardware

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Top-Level Requirements

Object Number


The vehicle shall have remote control capability.​



Object Number


The vehicle shall have a 360 degree monitoring system to automatically stop the vehicle if it bumps into an obstacle.

Object Number


The vehicle shall be able to be controlled or monitored from the mobile ground station.


Object Number 2.3.0-6

The vehicle shall have a red “kill” switch button that will perform an emergency stop when pressed.

Overall Description

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The 60 voltage battery will be connected to the voltage converter to change the voltage from 60 V down to 5 V for supplying power to Arduino Mega and Raspberry Pi.


The vehicle will be controlled by the wireless remote controller, which will send commands to the Arduino Mega. The Arduino Mega will then handle the data from the ultrasonic sensors and tactile sensors.


The ultrasonic sensor will measure the position of objects near the vehicle. The tactile sensor will detect the vibration caused by any contact with obstacles and pedestrians. The speakers will be programmed to emit a gentle sound to alert nearby pedestrians that the vehicle is operating nearby. The GPS tracking sensor will be used to track the real-time location due to the vehicle traveling, and it will connect to the Raspberry Pi which will transmit the data to the ground station. The headlights will have a switch directly hard-wired off of the 12-volt BUS. The GoPro camera is an individual component with its own power supply.


Therefore, the central computer will monitor the  location of the vehicle. In addition, the Arduino Mega will communicate to the Raspberry Pi.


The camera is an individual component which has its own battery. The camera will send live video feed to the laptop acting as the mobile ground station.

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The red boxed components are powertrain components and the blue boxed components are electronic hardware components. The components are placed in their relative positions in the vehicle. The wiring will follow along with the frame in order to keep the maintenance area neat. The 12 volt system and the 5-volt system that runs off of the Arduino Mega can be seen above.

Meet The Team


Jianhao Fang

Hardware Lead


Thomas Choe

Hardware Member


Nicole Hortizuela

Hardware Member


Blaise Nakagawa

Hardware Member


Richard Okimoto

Hardware Member

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